The myth of the Temple of Solomon, extravagance in Brazil and the race for Jerusalem

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The myth of the Temple of Solomon, extravagance in Brazil and the race for Jerusalem

Publisher MEMO Publishers
Published March 13, 2025
Digital 31 Pages
Language English

Al-Aqsa Mosque stands at the heart of the Holy City of Jerusalem, and has done for over 1,300 years. Today it has world heritage landmark status. Despite this, Israeli excavations, raids and military incursions have threatened the very foundations and preservation of such a potent symbol of Jerusalem.

What has Al-Aqsa to do with the colonial aggression by the illegal occupiers of Palestinian land? Why do they want to recreate the Biblical Temple of Solomon? And how did such ideas reach Brazil, with praise for the oppressive symbols of the Zionist State of Israel at the expense of the age-old Islamic monuments?

About the Author


Rita Freire

Journalist with expertise in Foreign Policy from the School Foundation of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo, manager and representative of the Shared Communication Network Ciranda.Net at the International Council of the World Social Forum and World Forum of Free Media. Editor-in-Chief of the Middle East Monitor – Brazil.

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