How to bring justice for Palestinians

Publisher MEMO Publishers / Dr Abul Bari
Published July 30, 2021
Digital 30 Pages
Language English

The current conflict in the ancient land of Palestine, with Jerusalem as the revered crown jewel of the three Abrahamic faiths, goes back to the dark years of World War 1 when Britain and France, two colonial powers of Europe, sowed the seeds of injustice in Palestine and the wider Arabian Peninsula.

Since then, and with the unconditional moral and material support for Israel from America, the Palestinians have been subjected to incomparable dispossession and ethnic cleansing in their own lands. But there are signs that the winds of change are blowing in the land and across the world in support of a just solution to this conflict.

This paper explores the current state of affairs and potentially effective ways of bringing justice for Palestinians.

About the Author


Dr Abdul Bari

Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari is a noted British Civic Leader, Educationalist, Parenting Consultant and Author. Dr Abdul Bari is a founding member of the Muslim Council of Britain, Citizens UK and has been involved with the East London Mosque and several charities including Muslim Aid. He was a board member of the London Organising Committee...

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