
Orietta Hernández Bermúdez 

Orietta Hernández Bermúdez has a Master’s in International Relations (2015, Havana, Higher Institute of International Relations Raúl Roa (ISRI)). Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology (2007, Havana University). She is aggregate researcher and assistant profesor at the Centre for International Political Researcher (CIPI).Bermudez has researched social movements, political forces, migration and carried out communications studies. She has...

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Peter Oborne

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Professor John Keane

Born in southern Australia, John Keane is Professor of Politics at the University of Sydney and at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB). He is the co-founder and director of the Sydney Democracy Network (SDN). Renowned globally for his creative thinking about democracy, John Keane was educated at the Universities of Adelaide and Toronto (where he was...

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Professor Penny Green

Professor Green is Professor of Law and Globalisation at Queen Mary University of London. Prior to that she held posts at King’s College London, University of Southampton and the London School of Economics. Professor Green has published widely on state crime, state-corporate crime, natural disasters, Turkish criminal justice and politics, transnational crime and asylum and forced migration.

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Rebecca Stead

An MA student at SOAS University of London studying Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic, Stead focuses on the history, culture and politics of Israel-Palestine specifically and the Levant more broadly. She has travelled in the region and studied Arabic in Jerusalem and Amman, and works in a freelance capacity for a number of journals and blogging platforms.

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Reem Assil

Reem Assil is a Syrian-British activist. She previously worked in Syria as a university lecturer. Due to her support and activism for a Syria free from authoritarianism, she was twice held for questioning in Damascus airport by the notorious Air Force Intelligence Branch, and was kept for interrogation in the State Security Branch. Reem is...

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Reja-e Busailah

Born in Jerusalem in 1929, Reja-e Busailah completed his secondary education in Palestine before earning a BA in English literature from Cairo University and a PhD in the same field from New York University. He taught that subject for thirty years at Indiana University (Kokomo), with visiting professorships at Birzeit University (West Bank) and Muhammad...

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Renatho Costa

Renatho Costa has a PhD in Social History and was born in São Paulo. He is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Federal University of Pampa and specialises in Middle East politics, with two books published on Iran. He has also developed a career as a playwright and novelist, and co-directed a documentary about...

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Richard Falk

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Rima Khalaf

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Rita Freire

Journalist with expertise in Foreign Policy from the School Foundation of Sociology and Politics of São Paulo, manager and representative of the Shared Communication Network Ciranda.Net at the International Council of the World Social Forum and World Forum of Free Media. Editor-in-Chief of the Middle East Monitor – Brazil.

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Rodrigo D.E Campos

Rodrigo D. E. Campos is a filmmaker and academic from Rio de Janeiro. He is currently a PhD candidate in Politics at the University of York (UK) researching far-right politics. He has written about the conflict in Western Sahara, religion and conflict, and international security.

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